Tuesday, 27 March 2012

All that happened...

..so far. Well, for starters, the blog turned 3 years old on 25th (rather sadly). I was just checking how many posts I did last year and it is 2, not including my worthless GM diet updates on a per day basis. In spite of being asked on and on why I don't blog here and in spite of wanting to blog here more than on my food blog, I just didn't do it because, lets face it, words pour out when I'm depressed or unhappy or angry (mostly at Ro, but also at life in general) and I was ridiculously happy as a person last year. 

I knew it was all too good to last, because 2012 has not been that great for me (so far). Mentally, physically and emotionally I am a wreck..OK I'm exaggerating a bit..but what's life without some drama right? Here are some of my thoughts as a 30 something year old, who has no clue what life has in store, heck she has no clue what the day has in store for her, leave alone life.

  • My personal Facebook page has become torturous. These days I dread logging on to FB. Why? you ask? Well if its not someone getting married its someone pregnant, or baby showers or new born baby pictures or corny professional pics that's all over the place. It's so much peer pressure that it makes you wanna have a baby (like for facebooks sake). I'm so bored, but that's a good thing because I now spend very little time on FB.
  • My FB page for my food blog on the other hand, which I started just for the heck of it, has proved to be quite fruitful. Like minded people discussing food and photography, clearing doubts on food and such is fun, not to mention loads of fabulous friends I made- genuine ones who lift my spirits on a sad day. It has changed my attitude towards blogging on the whole.
  • 6 years into our marriage and we I have no clue where I stand (Ro probably has it all figured out, I'm sure). Its become seriously boring that I have soooo begun to enjoy my alone time doing whatever I please (and even fantasising scenes from Unfaithful..is that creepy?). Is that why people go ahead and have kids? A friend once said..We had a baby because otherwise we would have to talk to each other. I somehow understood what she meant. It's like this..if the internet connection conks on us one day, Ro and I would not know what to do. 
  • Every morning I wake up with a new (health) issue. This morning was no different and the issue was  hair loss. Noticed a patch with thinning hair and it freaked the hell out of me. The wretched google said there might be underlying issues, so yes that has caused enough trauma to last me one week.
  • In two minds about taking up a full time job. Pro's: I love my freelance work way to much to let go of it completely. It gives me flexibility, I write about what I love, I don't have a boss and I just acquired a few new clients who I'm extremely happy with. Con's: Pay is not that great, work is not regular and I don't get to meet new people since I work from home. I decided to meet the issue half way by looking for a part time job. Not that easy to come across in my field of work, but thinking about taking anything up, just to get out of the house once in a while and have a life.
  • On the plus side, my food blog has started making money and I am being invited to loads of events and get togethers and stuff which all this while I shunned thinking the blog was just a hobby and that I wasn't gonna spend too much time on it or for it. I finally decided to get out there and meet other food bloggers (which apparently is a big community in UK) and went for a networking event. Met loads of like minded people and journalists and pr people, had a fab night with food and drinks and was back home happy and content. I have made it a point to go to all events I'm invited to (food related) and make new friends. 
So on this 3 year anniversary, the least I could do for my blog was to give it a face lift. I am in love with all things yellow, and the blue thrown in to show, well, those days when I'm in the 'blues.' Thanks to all my 54 followers who patiently waited for me to post something and this year is the year of photography for me. I have developed a keen interest in food photography and I would love to do more landscapes and portraits. If I get out and about doing it, then I shall at least post some pics here. Till then adios amigos.

Leaving you with a few things spring and yellow.